
Hello and thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet, my name is Kiki and I'm the webmistress of this place. Here I will be trying to share some of the things I do with my free time.

As of now there really isn't much to look at because I just begun working on this, like, a few weeks ago I think. And I don't have much free time because of uni, so bear with me.

The only works of mine that are being shown right now are this gif of my dog Pilo (you can pronounce it as 'pillow'), the two gifs of myself on the about me page, the rose on the title and the twinkly background.

So yeah, hopefully there will be more to look at in the near future.


18/08/24: about me page looks more complete ig

17/08/24:changed everything and added the about me page, sort of
